Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Doesn't really read well after M.A., M.A.:

M.A., M.A., A.B.D.

suddenly the humor is gone and it all just looks like hard work.

Also, no longer "Just a".

Now I'm nearly Ph.D. Or, nearly "effed", if we're going to go with the verbal cleverness.

maybe I just need more punctuation. I'll take out the letters and be:

Just a ..,..;... or: Just a ..,..,... (to match what I wrote above); or: Just a ..,..,"..." if I want to indicate that A.B.D. is not an official degree.

I think I need to have Just a N.I.,T.E, O.F.F.


Jenna said...

clever, and I'm tired from reading it...good work (sorry if my punctuation is not to your liking. i am just a lowly BSN)

dr spinster said...

oh, you're tired because you have the stomach flu at your place x4!


lowly nothin', lady: commas don't save lives, but nurses do... :-D