Friday, March 20, 2009

Refridgerator Poetry

- disclaimer: the magnet collection was a 'dirty' one, so sensitive ears/minds be warned!

sex is not enough
to produce tender love
loud hot night-s
special not celestial

yet I'd give any-y-thing to
lay beneath you
full with your smooth firm flesh
deep-ly plant-ed in
my little body
tunnel me
introduce me to the flavor of your sauce
taste me
I'm moist and fresh and delicious
feel my warm wet slot
take ample time and explore
insert that sturdy tool
position it in here
and come

but then
I could make believe
think these smile-s kisses
are you

I did bloom under his
salty stiff attention

plow my bare garden
sow seed in soft earth
dig with hand-s
harvest bountiful food
wild vegetable fruit
I grow

We two can intoxicate
are a tremendous instrument
build-ing power-ful music
at a touch
but were we happy together

most would investigate the nature
of care
and train to channel love
from the sun or moon -
to what end?

closed off so private
never will he navigate entry
though he may screw her pussy
she always clam-s up
as if just being near him
push-es some button
and she pocket-s her heart

adjust the light in our room
ask how did I drive you
we nibble-d business
like a giant pie
whole-ness now
on-ly a hole

show me
can it revitalize
like a flower protrude
poke a stem through busy
don't-s and must-s
tickle the wild today above?

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